Health Goals- What do you already have?
Happy Health to my Resilient Health Family!
The theme that I mapped out for myself this year is using what I have. Over the years on my health journey I have accumulated many gadgets, supplements, and wellness products. Many of them I have used once or twice and a few I have NEVER used. This year I have decided to utilize what I ALREADY HAVE. I was convicted when I listened to one of my favorite speakers say, "New information is not a substitute for poor execution of old information." I'm not sure if you can relate to this or not; it;s easy for me to get excited about the latest supplement, health hack, and/or longevity device that I recently learned about. That excitement leads me to quickly put my solid, well thought out routine to the wayside. This year I have decided to purchase one more gadget that I have had my eye on for a few years. Besides that one item, I am going to use what I have. I am going to do the "mundane" things more consistently.
Foundations are important. My focus this year:
Getting quality sleep
Drinking clean water with adequate electrolytes
Working out 3 times a week (this includes heavy lifting)
Connecting with those that I love
Consistent self-care (massages, castor oil packs, detox baths, quiet time)
In the past, I didn't give myself grace when it came to making healthy wellness choices. If I didn't complete the majority of the following tasks during the week I was failing.
Meal preparation for the day
Exercise 2-3 times a week
Drink half my body weight in water
Eat adequate protein
Eat adequate fiber
Take all of the supplements planned for the day
Cook a nutritious meal for my family
Cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize my face
Face mask once a week
Red light therapy
Deep condition my hair once a week
Detox bath once a week
Dry brush my skin a few times a week
Biweekly massage
I was expecting this of myself while balancing the roles of being a wife, mother, as well as an employee. It was too much. Concentrating on the 5 goals that I mentioned above is much more attainable and reasonable for my current lifestyle. I believe that I can complete these the majority of the time over the course of the month.
Call to action: What do you already have that would help you to reach your health goals?
Is it a gym membership that you have been paying for the past 5 months and have underutilized?
Is it a water bottle that doesn't get filled, or gets filled and sits during the day?
Is it a treadmill or bike that has been sitting in your garage, basement, or spare room?
Is there a person that you have been wanting to call?
A relationship that you feel you should cultivate or end?
A class or course that you have been wanting to take?
A hobby you have been wanting to pursue?
This is an invitation to use what you already have, do the things that you know to do consistently!
Be Well, Be Resilient!
Auspria Wade, PA-C
Do you have any of the following?
Red Light Device
Epsom Salt or Topical Magnesium
Castor Oil Pack(s)
You can vote for more than one answer.